
Hardship Grant for a Single Mom

Imagine having to walk 6 miles to the grocery store in 90° Texas heat (often over 100° with the heat index. Or walk 8 miles to-and-from work every day. Compound that with the strain of having a three-year-old to carry in one arm while schlepping milk and other necessities in the other and caring for a 5-month old baby amidst it all.

The lack of transportation did not only have a negative impact on her work life and create complexity around acquiring basic needs like food, but it also created a sense of feeling disconnected from the community because of the significant effort involved to be part of this small town life.

We became aware of the situation by way of a friend of this person and our Grant Review Board wanted to help. Caring for children to ensure they are able to live their best lives is at the heart of the foundation. So through The TGB Foundation HARDSHIP program, we granted the gift of a bike with a carrier for this devoted mother. We’re glad to have been able to be a source of relief for her situation.

We’re grateful to our supporters and donors for allowing us to make an impact in the lives of this family so her children can have an improved quality of life.